Monday, October 26, 2009

Fuji Interview FAIL

FUJI TV was in town over the weekend, and it seems they are avid readers of this blog - for yours truly was asked to remake the F-Train Charaben LIVE! for the Japanese television station's morning news program. Great, right? Well, initially the arrangement was a bust - I had planned on working the weekend and just didn't have time to do an o-bento.

But the charaben gods could not be bested. I showed up for work (where all my files were) only to find the elevator broken. No super. No access through the stairs. No work for the weekend!

This isn't good news, actually - I'm someone who operates based on self-imposed deadlines. Deadlines for books. Deadlines that effect a small publisher that need these books finished to make money in order to make other books...

However, I wasn't about to let my weekend be rained on, so I took this as a great opportunity to wow the Japanese viewing public with not one but two charaben! And here they are:

Laputa Robot

F-Train Redux

Robot Body - fried tofu glazed in honey + sprinkled in sesame
Eyes/Mouth - nori
Sun - tomato + yellow pepper
Heart - tomato

F-Train Redux
Train - rice
Train front - nori, swiss cheese, tomato
"F" label - carrot + nori
Rails - faux beef cubes + nori

In addition to laundry duties, my Sunday morning was spent making both of these delicious fellers while fighting off my frisky-when-you-don't-want-him-to-be cat, Desnos. Then, around lunch time, I received a phone call from Adri (MBP PR) telling me the interview had to be canceled.


Sorry, Fuji, for being locked out of my office. As you can see above, I really was ready and excited for this. Maybe next time?

(I've had better weekends.)


Kurtis said...

Dude I can't believe they were that cut throat. Well, on the plus side, you're always getting mad offers so, they lose out on NOT getting to you first. Still sucks though, what a crappy situation. MAKE A KRTS BENTO:) hehe.

Unknown said...

oh well - they look awesome anyways!!!

Unknown said...

oh well - they look awesome anyways!!!